Central to our executive development is psychology: we focus on the psychology that drives and shapes such aspects as intelligence, personality, motivation, values, strengths, key behaviours and leadership effectiveness.
Our executive development programmes use the following elements to ensure leadership development is of the highest possible level of learning:
Monitoring and reviewing – always aiming for measurable results and ROI
True development is an activity that spans a period of time. Instead of a single intervention, our programmes cover a period of time in which a range of interventions, activities and methods are used to establish a robust level of service. Often, this is by way of a coaching programme and specific actions. We measure the true value of your investment in your leaders.
Feedback and Personal development programmes
Our feedback is highly personal, confidential and insightful, enabling bespoke leadership development.
Our psychologists are involved in shaping personal development programmes to fit the needs of the individual and the context in which they function: the organisation and specific circumstances.
Team assessment
Often, leaders exist and operate by virtue of being part of established (or, even, fluctuating) teams and groups. Understanding the team styles, team culture and team habits helps these teams and groups to perform and the leaders team to lead the teams.
Team culture, habits an styles are often closely linked with individual development. Underneath lies self-awareness - at individual level and at the level of the team as a whole: an effective team or group understands how it ticks and how its members work with one another.
Individual assessment
We build bespoke multi-method, highly-validated and reliable, best-in-class scientifically proven, evidence-based assessment programmes, that match the uniqueness of your people and your business. Individual assessment is where individual development starts: it is the basis for it. Assessment of individual strengths, styles, personality traits, habits, personal drive, beliefs and motivation...: having an insight inti these aspects - or a much improved level of insight in these - paves the way for successful and fulfilling individual development.
We will help you define and operationalise the goals of your leadership development.
Context analysis
What is the context of the organisation in which leadership development is crucial? Your business is unique and the people in your organisation are, too. The context in which your leaders are to lead, is not only unique, but subject to forces of change.