“Our customers are our priority” This value statement I picked just now from a large for-profit company with a presence across Europe. It seems to be a self-evident statement; after all, are there entities that rely on customers where those customers are not their priority? You would be forgiven to feel that the value statements […]
75% of employers report difficulty in filling roles
It’s a dreary day and the limited daylight hours are stifling any upbeat mood you’re trying to muster. Your sat nav has decided to go ‘off-piste’ and you now find yourself in an unknown, tired and sad-looking town somewhere in the south of England. Well… perhaps not you, but it certainly happened to me.So… what […]
It’s not a race We do not want to suggest that we should all race back to the office. Still, it seems the lockdown is being relaxed and workers are encouraged to go back to work if they are able to. Jan de Jonge, the founder of People Busines Psychology Ltd., was very recently featured […]
How much “Common Sense” have you got?
Page from “Terra-Filius” by Nicholas Amhurst (writing in March 1725): “There is not (…) a more uncommon thing in the world than common sense (…)”. How much “Common Sense” have you got? Appeals are made by both government and people closer to home to “use your common sense”. The United Kingdom, this beautiful country I […]
How Do You Cope with COVID-19?
Your personality has a lot to do with how you individually respond to the Coronavirus pandemic. “It’s all about people” – a claim we have all heard and many agree with. The way we cope with a development like Coronavirus that is sweeping the globe depends on many things. First of all, the pandemic may […]
Three core skills – for any leader in 2019.
Practise these three things to improve your impact as leader In our daily lives, we constancy assess how our bosses and our leaders come across to us. Their impact and persuasiveness have a great bearing on whether we listen to them and follow up on their ideas and expectations. When looking at leaders to […]